Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sometimes, I mean, Most of the Times, Boys are Insensitive... *sighs*

The title says it! Boys are freakin' insensitive! Whyyyyy...!

In my case, 'he' always does something that makes me...blush(?) or get giddy inside...but he's not aware of it!

1. One rainy afternoon, I didn't bring my umbrella (what a bad timing since I always have it in my bag but at that day, I took it off). I was walking on the streets with only my bare hands to cover the top of my head...until he yelled at me to come over (yeah, he's pretty rude sometimes). He told me I'm so stupid to walk in the rain as if I'm willing to get sick (what the hell). And so he dragged me with him and shared his umbrella.

2. I always have fun during English class. I wouldn't last a day without laughing my heart out because of some interesting topics during the discussion. Well, one of the main reasons too why I laugh is because of my funny and weird classmate. One time, the insensitive guy asked me to sit beside him. His reason is because both of us have fun (of course, pertaining to our weird classmate). But the next meeting, I didn't sit beside him...and he was kind of disappointed so for the proceeding classes, he would grab my bag (while on my back) and drag me along with him so I would be able to sit beside him.

3. It's my habit to buy cookies before I go home. It's because I eat them while on my way. One afternoon, after class, I bought some (as usual) and he saw me and did the same (because I told him they taste good). And for the next days, he's the one paying for me (^___^).

4. Thinking he might probably notice I had a slight crush on him, I faked out an info telling my friends I ran into my old friend, who was my crush back then. I kept on smiling the whole day, telling myself I'm inspired to study...only to see him not caring about my giddiness. I mean, he always tells me to 'Shut up, your voice is too loud' or 'in your dreams' kind of statements, but no! He just ignored me the whole day. Ugh.

Anyway, go on being insensitive!

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